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Logo Admin Help

Step 1 - Viewing and Managing Logos

Our Logo Admin feature allows you to view and manage the logos you have set up against your account to provide decoration to your products. As an administrator, or with the correct permissions, you can restrict access to your account's logos to either individual users or organisation units. As an individual user, your logo access may be restricted but your available logos are visible in the My Logos tile in the My Account section.

If you have administrator permissions, click Manage on the Logos tile in the My Account area. This will take you to a list of logos available for your account. Selecting to preview one will display the logo's size, complexity (whether it's applied by heat seal or embroidery) and its unique ID.

Back in the main view, you can click into the logo to restrict access to it for a particular user or organisation unit.

Step 2 - Setting Up a New Logo

From the main view, you can also request a new logo to be set up. Selecting this option opens a form to complete which allows you to define your new logo's complexity and what type of products you want it to decorate. You can also upload an image of the logo.

Once submitted, you'll receive a confirmation email and the request will be sent to our digitisation team who will load it into our system and send it back to you for sign off. Once you're happy with it, the logo will be uploaded to your account for use on the website. Once it's assigned to your account, any users attached to that account will have access to it, unless their permissions have been specifically restricted. This logo will then be available to decorate an appropriate product in your basket or at checkout.

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