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Purchase Lists Help

A purchase list allows you to make a list of your favourite or regularly ordered products. You can also use this functionality to see your account’s prices for these products and easily add them to basket. Some of the functionality mentioned here is only available to those with the relevant permissions.

If you're an administrator for your organisation's account, the purchase lists section will show you the lists available to all users linked with that account. If you don't have administrator permissions, you will see only the lists your administrator has granted you access to. If you sign into an account with multiple linked accounts and create a list, it will be available for everyone who uses that account.

Adding Products to a Purchase List

Products can be added to a purchase list by:

  • On the product page, you’ll see an icon next to the Add to Basket button. Simply click on the icon and select Add to Purchase List. From here you can add to an existing list or create a new one by selecting New Purchase List and assigning it a relevant name
  • On the search results page, you’ll see an Add to List button underneath the Add to Basket option
  • You can also add to a purchasing list in your basket, there is a More Actions button on the top right of the page

Searching and Sorting Lists

In the Purchase Lists tile in the My Account page, you can search by list name, product description and product code. You can also sort lists by their name. This makes it easy to find the list you need quickly.

Switching Between Lists

Once you have selected a list to view, you will be able to see the listed products with prices that are accurate for your account. You can switch between your purchase lists by clicking on Purchase Lists under the My Account menu on the left of the page.

When viewing a list, you can choose whether to see it as a grid, or a list with or without images.

Adding a Product to Basket from a Purchase List

To add a product to basket, simply select the Add to Basket button against a product. If you’re using the list view, this button remains at the top right hand side of the page

A window will pop up to allow you to choose the size or other option available against that product. Simply increase or decrease the quantity as necessary and click Add to Basket.

Downloading a Purchase List

If you have the relevant permissions, you can download your current purchase list as a CSV file by clicking on the three dots to the right-hand side of the purchase list and choosing 'download'.

These CSV files can be edited and uploaded to create new purchase lists or edit existing ones.

As an administrator, you can access various features through the More Actions button such as:

  • Create list
  • Bulk upload
  • Remove products

Managing and Editing Purchase Lists

You can also merge or delete lists by highlighting a purchase list and clicking on the Select an Action button at the bottom of the page. If you choose to merge a list, you can remove duplicates between them and choose to keep or discard the lists being merged.


In My Account in the Purchase Lists section you can download a wallchart.

Select the purchase list you have created, you will see a 'Download as Wallchart' button, click the button and save the document.

Please note that there is a maximum limit of 12 products that can appear on your wallchart, if you require more than this, you will need to create additional purchasing lists to accommodate your needs.

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